Monday, December 31, 2007


1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 Hey all you cribbage players! Have you ever played any other cribbage games besides the standard pegging game? There are a few more around, for example – there is Kings Cribbage, Criblets, and a ‘mat’ game with 25 squares. Donna and I have them all, and we play them all. The ‘mat’ game was introduced to us from Allen friends Roxie & Bob. We bought Kings Cribbage and Criblets through a web site that advertises in Cribbage World, out American Cribbage Congress monthly newsletter. What fun! The two boxed games are pictured above. And Donna, Wade and I are ‘hooked’! Also pictured above are a few of my favorite cribbage boards out of 70+ in my collection of boards. Some of these are boards that have been given to me as gifts for various reasons. Each photo has a quarter in it to give perspective to the board size. Photo #1 - Kings Cribbage & Criblets, both are tile games similar to Scrabble but count like cribbage. #2 – a custom board by friend Bruce Howard of for the original Cribbage Flat. #3 – a photo of the many travel boards I have, some that fold, and some that just plain small & convenient, #4 – a gift from friend Kay Hust, #5 – a custom board made by friend Lance Benson, #6 – a custom board and storage drawer made by friend John Dush, #7 – a gift from friends Bob & Roxie, purchased in Wisconsin, #8 – a retirement gift from work friends, #9 - and one of my personal favorites, my Betty Boop board with a laughing machine in the bottom!

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