Sunday, January 27, 2008


And what did I do today? Hopefully I picked up a few brownie points with Donna! One of her favorite authors, recommended by good friend Sandra Steigman, was in town. And that would be Jill Conner Browne, aka the Sweet Potato Queen! Donna got on a plane this morning to spend 15 days house-sitting in Battle Ground, WA. for friends John & Lynda Idsinga, so I drove into one of the Dallas Borders book stores. Out of the 80+/- audience members to listen to her speak and read from her new book prior to signing autographs, I was one of two men. Great odds, but we were kinda the butt of a couple of her stories/jokes. Today she mentioned there are now over 5,400 SPQ chapters representing 22 Countries. For those of you who aren’t aware of the Sweet Potato Queen and her books, you should check out her web site ( and read her books. She is an absolute ‘crack-up’ and so are her books. Her newest book is titled, “The Sweet Potato Queens’ Guide to Raising Children for Fun & Profit”. Here is an excerpt from her web site: “It’s probably not a good idea for you to be looking at this website while you’re at work on account of, once you start, you are gonna be so mesmerized by our utter fabulosity, you will no doubt end up gazing at us for hours on end. We understand — happens to us every time. We find we simply cannot get enough of Us. Ever. While we are thrilled to have you join in the worshiping throng, we do not wish to be responsible for the termination of your gainful employment. If you should become jobless, your ability to contribute regularly to our Plastic Surgery Fund will be greatly diminished and we simply cannot have THAT. We want you working away, climbing that corporate ladder and taking us with you, every step of the way. But, hey, as long as you’re here — WELCOME TO THE QUEENDOM, hunny, and to this, our brand-new-and-improved website! Take your time — visit every corner, soak up the Queenly Ambience and then tell every living soul that you know about it — that they, too, may find their Inner Queenliness (and make their OWN valuable contributions to The Plastic Surgery Fund!” The photos above are: the Sweet Potato Queens’ “Big-Ass” tour bus (her description; the cover of her new book; and me and the “Queen” as she was signing my copies of her new book! And the posting below is a short video of the “Queen” at today’s book signing!

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