Mortality! What a difficult word. I lost another friend this past week. I only met him last year and spent a few days out of one week with him. We became ‘fast’ friends, while sitting in the hot tub every morning early, overlooking the Pacific Ocean from our time share in Cabo. We would then hook up again in the pool later to take in some sun and drink a beer together. I met one of his sons who came down to Cabo for a visit. Mike was a semi-retired management consultant from Southern California who now called Mazatlan home. He came to Cabo every May and we had big plans for next month - drinking Mexican beers and doing some serious bull-shitting. We traded e-mails throughout the year, and he was planning a Texas visit to see Donna and me this next fall. Mike was only 6 months younger than my young 58 years. Mike McGuire, you will be missed! Have a micro-beer in heaven from the Northwest for me.
I'm so sorry. How terrible. What happened to him? Had he been ill or was it sudden? Hard, nonetheless.
So sad! He sounded like a fun guy. Sorry to hear about the loss of your "twin".
hey, I was out to dinner with Amanda the other night and she kept talking about "Tigers Milk". Sorry to be posting the question on this blog post, but what was in it?
Fill a blender with ice, add one 6 oz. can of thawed lemon-ade, fill the MT can with vodka, dump that in, fill the MT can with milk, dump that in; and whip until small chunks of ice left. A perfect summer drink! AND there is more to the story!
okay, what is MT can??? And you've GOTTA tell me "the REST of the story". Man, that ages me, Paul Harvey...... Kids these days probably have no idea what I'm talking about. Again, I just aged myself....
Fill the MT can is fill the empty lemon-ade can! Amanda must remember some of the pool-side stories drinking Tiger Milk!
AHHHHH!!!!! I just got it, empty, MT, hahahaha.... Yes, I'm one smrt cookie.
Oh, and I talked to Amanda and told her how cryptic you were about the Tigers Milk stories. She wants you to spill the beans, she doesn't remember. I told her she doesn't WANT to remember as it probably had something to do with a bowl full of keys.....
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