Sunday, May 25, 2008


NEIGHBORS? . . . . What can you say about neighbors? You can have great neighbors, average neighbors, lousy neighbors, or even a mix of neighbors. You can even have neighbors who are wonderfully social, but yet lousy as far as the way they maintain their adjoining yards. When we lived in Battle Ground, WA, (aka as the original Cribbage Flat) for 35 years, I had a wonderful neighbor the first 30 years. He maintained his fruit orchard between us, he kept his yard weed-free, pulling weeds daily and sometimes using an environmental safe chemical application. My neighbor was my father-in-law John Beseda. But keep in mind he didn’t do that to be necessarily neighborly because we were related, he did it because that was the kind of man and property owner he was. When my in-laws sold to get something smaller, I had new neighbors. They weren’t the same kind of neighbor unfortunately. They hated when I sprayed the property line with Round-Up because they didn’t feel it was environmentally safe. I explained to them several times, if they maintained their property to be weed-free and not impact my yard, I wouldn’t be spraying, and we wouldn’t be having the conversation. And now we have new neighbors here in Allen, Texas at Cribbage Flat Southwest. Our previous neighbors, Doyle and Kari were great, we even socialized, and Donna and I would watch their two children occasionally. Doyle worked hard to keep his yard nice. In fact this next week, I’m taking my grandson Connor with me to watch young Dain’s baseball game. Our new neighbors, a young couple, have been living next door for several months. I have never even seen the wife and only chatted briefly with the husband once. Their yard is terrible! It doesn’t get mowed regularly and the weeds are as tall as Douglas fir trees. My lawn care service told me it would be a continuing problem with weed control for my yard. Crap! Do I talk with them? Or do I wait and see if they decide to have some pride in property ownership and start taking care of business? Gosh! I sure wish I lived next door to John & Helen or Doyle & Kari again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pull our weeds every time I see one in the front yard. The neighbors don't and it makes me mad. But, my yard is really looking great now, nice and green. It's nice to have good neighbors. We had them in MI but we all moved away and now the neighborhood there is bad!

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