Monday, December 31, 2007


Once in awhile we need to be reminded of how good we have it, or how lucky we are to have certain people in our lives! Jan Goble. A friend we met here at the Allen Senior Center sent me an e-mail last night after reading our blog site. Her quote follows: “We see Donna at the center every day so we know she's doing good. You need to put in your blog how she rides her bike in freezin' weather to exercise at the center!! What perseverance!” Thanks Jan for reminding me about Donna’s perseverance! Donna and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on November 28th – 37 years! WOW! Pretty remarkable for two reasons. One, not many marriages make it that far anymore; and two, Donna has put up with me! And speaking of friend Jan Goble, we have made many other friends like Jan here since moving to Allen in ’05 from SW Washington State, mostly through the Senior Center. We are blessed and thank each and every one of you, wherever you are, for being one of our many friends! We hope you have a wonderful, healthy and prosperous New Year! And speaking of New Years! Do you make New Year’s resolutions? One of the New Year’s resolutions I made a couple of years ago was to continue to be more tolerant, each and every year. But sometimes it is harder than you think! Over the last week I have been to a movie theater four times to see a new movie. And while I appreciate the theaters running announcements to “please silence your cell phones now”, in this day and age that’s not enough. In variably, during the show, no less than a half dozen will open their damn phones to check a call or receive a text message. How inconsiderate is that? When someone opens a cell phone, it is like turning on a light right in the middle of the theater. Listen people, if you are going into a theater, and absolutely have to have your cell phone on, please sit in the back row! While in the Angelica Plano Theater last week to see Atonement, some guy three rows in front of my row kept opening his phone, and finally after about the 5th time, I finally said, loud enough for the whole damn theater to hear, “please shut your cell phone”. He turned around and gave me a dirty look, but closed his phone! About 20 attendees clapped! After the show ended, he came walking up towards me. I was a little worried, now I’m kind of a big guy myself, going 6-2 and weigh 270, but this guy looked like an all-pro offensive lineman for an NFL team! He must have been at least eight feet tall and weighed 500 pounds! He stopped at the end of my seat row, and said, “I’m sorry man, that was pretty rude of me, I won’t do it again”! Whew! I thought I was gonna get the crap kicked out of me! Remember to be considerate with your cell phones, no matter where you are! And just when again should I be more tolerant?


Cameo said...

Oh man, tolerance is one I need to work on. How was Atonement?

Casa De Cross @ Cribbage Flat Southwest said...

I liked it! Not as good as I thought it would be tho. Juno is awesome!

Howdy family and friends! As suggested by one of our Facebook friends, we are gonna try the ‘blog thing’ again. If you visit our past bl...