Monday, June 9, 2008


We’re back after a great time in Lubbock this past week-end for our grandson’s 3rd birthday and party hosted by the Wall’s. We like visiting Lubbock, but Donna and I aren’t sure we could live there with all that wind and dust blowing around. On Saturday we were out at Kenny’s Korral for Connor’s birthday party, and I swear I had soooo much dirt in my ears, I could grow Iowa corn! On Friday night we met up with Wade, Connor, Dennis, Cindy and Connor’s cousin Colby for dinner at Durango’s. We love their ‘wet’ chile rellenos. On Saturday morning, Donna and I visited the distribution center and corporate offices for United Supermarkets. Saturday afternoon was the BIG party for Connor. Kenny’s Korral offers all kinds of animals and is referred to as “The Farm”! We saw lots of kid friendly farm animals and a few imports. We saw camels, wildebeests, buffalo and more, including a baby 3 week-old camel. And then the party with cake and a Elmo piñata! That night Dennis & Cindy treated us to an awesome steak dinner at Las Brisas where your steaks are broiled in a specially ordered 1800 degree oven and served on a 500 degree plate. The photos shown here from the week-end are a few of my favorites!

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Howdy family and friends! As suggested by one of our Facebook friends, we are gonna try the ‘blog thing’ again. If you visit our past bl...