Saturday, April 11, 2009


What is common sense? One popular definition is: “sound practical judgment”. This year I will be sixty years old and after all these years, I still can’t understand why some people have such a hard time with this. Duh folks – it is not rocket science. Some of the smartest people I know fail to have common sense. For example; why does 7-11 have locks on the doors when they are open 24 hours a day? Or why does a football coach send the Captain of the team out for the coin flip? Why not send the luckiest SOB on the team? All kidding aside, here is a headline on the front page of today’s Dallas Morning News Metro section: “Trouble on the water. As state’s boating-related deaths rise, officials urge safety, common sense.” According to today’s paper, we have already had 13 deaths in Texas directly related to boating deaths. The article goes on to say that 90% of victims in boating accidents aren’t wearing life jackets. Duh again! One death was attributed to weather, alcohol AND inexperience. And it is just not boating accidents, how about vehicle accidents? Alcohol and not wearing a seat belt? Duh for a third time! So please tell me, why do some people have/use sound practical judgment, and some do not? I’d really be interested in your comments. Don’t be bashful.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Hmmm, common sense. I seem to have too much. Happy Easter!

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