Sunday, June 14, 2009


Howdy y’all! Some brief Texas and family news. Today will be mid-90’s again with a heat index of 106+/-, depending on which TV reporter you listen to. Gasoline yesterday at CostCo was $2.30. Yesterday I was up early and off to get a hair-cut, then we spent 3 ½ hours at the pool. Read and played Kings Cribbage - in the pool about every 20 minutes. Looks like this kind of weather all this next week. That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Donna is already whining, and I just casually mentioned she never has been here for a whole summer! Today I’m smoking about 20 lbs. of salmon for Wade’s favorite father-in-law. And since the smoker is going, I’m gonna try beef short ribs with a new rub. Low temp and about 6 hours I think for the ribs. The fish usually takes around 4 hours for each batch. My smoker was a generous Father’s Day gift from my wonderful children a few years ago, Marc & Amanda, Wade & Michelle, and Toby & Jocelyn. We are on our final count-down for Wednesday for the arrival our twin granddaughters. Michelle’s mom has been here since last Sunday and the rest of the family will be here today for the upcoming birth. All our Washington families are excited about ALL of us coming up there in August. Everyone enjoy the rest of their week-end!

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Howdy family and friends! As suggested by one of our Facebook friends, we are gonna try the ‘blog thing’ again. If you visit our past bl...