Sunday, June 7, 2009


TRUE STORY! Back in the mid-80’s when we lived at the original Cribbage Flat in Battle Ground, Washington, and right up to when we moved to Texas in ’05, we hosted several cribbage tournaments each year. Anywhere from a dozen to 40 players would play for the top prize of cash and a cribbage trophy board. Sometime in the 90’s Donna and I bought a concrete statue for the landscaping. It eventually was moved out back next to the shop where the tournaments were held. Somebody (no names here) thought the statue looked like a penis from the back, and the statue was named, “Sinep”, which is penis backwards. Sinep became known as the cribbage god. Tournament players would rub Sinep’s head for good luck - before and during tournaments. I even gave it a rub a few times myself! In early August of ’05 when we were getting ready for our big move, we had a huge garage sale. Donna thought I sold Sinep, and I thought she did. So now it is a month later, and Labor Day week of ‘05, and we’re moving our furniture to Allen, Texas. My youngest son Toby, and Josh, who we refer to as our 3rd son, are driving our Corvette while we drive the moving truck on this 2,500 mile journey. Toby and Josh left a day after Donna and me, and arrived a few days after us. We had a great time with our other son Wade and his family. Skip ahead a few days, and the boys fly back to SW Washington. Our Corvette is in the garage, and another few days go by and I decide to look in the trunk to make sure they hadn’t forgotten anything. And what is in the trunk? Sinep, the cribbage god! I call Toby and Josh and they tell me they had a wonderful trip with Sinep, visiting various spots along the 2,500 mile drive. They went to a Hooter’s; they stopped at rest areas for photo opportunities, and various other locations. I mentioned “no pictures, it never happened”! Jump ahead to 2009 and I finally have the photos. Sinep the cribbage god now sits on our front porch, welcoming visitors and cribbage players alike! True story!

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Howdy family and friends! As suggested by one of our Facebook friends, we are gonna try the ‘blog thing’ again. If you visit our past bl...