Saturday, September 5, 2009


Since moving to Texas in late 2005, I regrettably haven’t seen my granddaughter Ashley and grandson Kyle as much as I used to when I lived in SW Washington, but it doesn’t mean I’m any less proud of ‘em. I got to spend some time with then during my last visit just this last month. Both do well in school and both are very outdoorsy. Is that really a word? Anyway, here’s an update: Kyle attended an NRA Shooting Sports Camp at the Tacoma Rifle and Revolver Club this past month. Kyle shot over 600 rounds during the three days he was there camping with the family. Kyle was one of the youngest shooters to make the camp. Yahoo! Keep it up Kyle! And then we have Ashley. She is sooo awesome with animals and has a new pup she is training, five month old Barrett. Ashley has recently been doing some agility training with Barrett. He is very devoted to Ashley and is quick to go after Kyle if he even pretends to wrestle with her. Grandma and I love you both , and wish we could see you more!

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Howdy family and friends! As suggested by one of our Facebook friends, we are gonna try the ‘blog thing’ again. If you visit our past bl...